Hoisting in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide📝🧑‍🏫

Hoisting in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide📝🧑‍🏫

Understanding the Different Types of Hoisting in JavaScript

JavaScript has a concept known as "hoisting" which refers to the behaviour of variable and function declarations being moved to the top of their scope by the JavaScript engine during the compilation phase.

What is hoisting?🤔🧑‍💻

Hoisting is a behaviour in JavaScript where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase. This means that variables and functions can be accessed before they are declared in the code, and they are treated as if they were declared at the top of the scope. This behaviour can lead to unexpected results if a developer is unaware of it, as a variable can be used before it is declared and will be undefined, and if a function is called before it is declared, it will throw an error.

Affect of hoisting in variable

Hoisting affects the behaviour of variable declarations in JavaScript by making them accessible throughout the entire scope, even before they are declared. This means that a variable can be used before it is declared, but it will be undefined until it is assigned a value.

For example, consider the following code:

console.log(age); // undefined
var age = 22;

In this example, the console.log(age) the statement is executed before the variable age is declared. However, due to hoisting, the JavaScript engine treats the code as if it were written like this:

var age;
console.log(age); // undefined
age = 5;

As you can see, the variable x is accessible and the code doesn't throw any error, but the value of x is undefined because it is declared but not initialized.

Another example is this:

console.log(age); // ReferenceError
age = 22;

In this example, there is no variable declaration, and the code throws a ReferenceErrorbecause the variable age has not been declared and is not hoisted.

It's important to note that hoisting only applies to variable declarations and not to variable assignments. The variable assignments are not moved to the top of the scope and are only accessible after they are declared.

Affect of hoisting in function

Hoisting affects the behaviour of function declarations in JavaScript in a similar way as it does with variable declarations. Function declarations are also moved to the top of their scope, so they can be called before they are declared.

For example, consider the following code:

name(); // "Binod"

function name() {

In this example, the function name() is called before it is declared, but due to hoisting, the JavaScript engine treats the code as if it were written like this:

function name() {
name(); // "Binod"

As you can see, the function name() is accessible, and the code doesn't throw any errors. This is possible because the function declaration is hoisted to the top of the scope and can be called before it's declared.

It's important to note that hoisting only applies to function declarations and not to function expressions. Function expressions are assigned to variables, and only the variable declarations get hoisted, not the assignments.

For example:

name(); // TypeError: name is not a function

var name = function() {

In this example, the function name() is called before it is assigned to the variable name, thus it will throw an TypeError: name is not a function error.

Avoid Hoisting

There are several ways to avoid unexpected behaviour caused by hoisting in JavaScript:

  1. Declare variables and functions before using them: By declaring variables and functions before they are used, you can ensure that they are accessible throughout the entire scope and avoid any confusion or unexpected results.

  2. Use the "use strict" directive: Using the "use strict" directive at the top of your JavaScript file or function scope can help prevent hoisting-related issues by disallowing the use of undeclared variables.

  3. Use let and const instead of var: The let and const keywords were introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and they have block scope, which means that they are only accessible within the block in which they are defined. This can help prevent hoisting-related issues because the variable is only accessible within the block and not throughout the entire scope.

  4. Be aware of the hoisting behaviour: Understanding how hoisting works in JavaScript can help you write better code and avoid unexpected behaviour.

  5. Use function expressions: As a function, expressions are assigned to variables, and only the variable declarations get hoisted, not the assignments. Thus, it will be less prone to hoisting-related issues.

By following these best practices, you can help ensure that your code behaves as expected and avoid any confusion or unexpected results caused by hoisting in JavaScript.

Advantage of Hoisting

Hoisting in JavaScript can be used to your advantage when writing code by allowing you to organize your code in a way that is easier to read and understand. Here are a few options to consider:

  1. Declare all your variables at the top of your scope: By declaring all your variables at the top of your scope, you can make it clear which variables are being used in your code, and it will be easier to understand the flow of your program.

  2. Declare all your functions at the top of your scope: Similarly, declaring all your functions at the top of your scope makes it clear which functions are being used in your code and it can help to improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

  3. Use function declarations for utility functions: Utility functions, such as helper functions, can be easily hoisted to the top of the scope and can be used throughout the entire codebase.

  4. Use function expressions for functions that need to be invoked immediately: Function expressions are not hoisted, thus they can be used for functions that need to be invoked immediately, and they will be less prone to hoisting-related issues.

By using hoisting in JavaScript to your advantage, you can write cleaner and more organized code that is easier to read, understand, and maintain.

It's important to keep in mind that hoisting can lead to unexpected behaviour if you're not careful, so it's essential to understand how hoisting works and use it in a mindful way

Hoisting in other programming languages

Hoisting is a behaviour that is not unique to JavaScript, it also occurs in other programming languages such as C, C++, and Java. In these languages, hoisting typically only applies to variable declarations and not to function declarations, and the mechanism of how hoisting works may be different than in JavaScript.

In C and C++, for example, variable declarations are moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase, making them accessible throughout the entire scope, even before they are declared. In Java, variable and function declarations are also moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase, making them accessible throughout the entire scope.

It's worth noting that some other programming languages, such as Python, do not have hoisting behaviour. In these languages, variables and functions must be declared before they are used, and the concept of hoisting does not apply.


In conclusion, hoisting is a behaviour in JavaScript where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase. This behaviour can lead to unexpected results if not understood properly. To avoid these issues, it is recommended to declare variables and functions before using them, use the "use strict" directive, use let and const instead of var, be aware of the hoisting behaviour, and use function expressions where needed. Understanding hoisting can help in writing better and more organized code.

Happy reading😊